
I'm Judah.

A Full-Stack Developer.

cloud_img mountain


I am a Full-Stack💻 developer and a Python 🐍 Developer.I am Kind,I am smart,I am important and I love to make my own coffee ☕

My Skills.


Full-Stack Development

I started learning to code so i can make my own apps and games.Overtime, i have gained a wealth of experience desingning and developing mobile and Full-Stack Web applications. I am a Skilled MERN/MERNG Stack Web Developer eager to join a creative, problem solving team. Ability to learn and implementing new technologies quickly. My skills include HTML5, CSS3, Python, JavaScript, Java, React JS, Wordpress, JQuery, Node JS,Express JS, working with Mongo, mongoose and SQL databases and testing using Mocha and Chai. I make REST APIs for a living and survive on coffee



I love to play soccer.I've Been Playing soccer right from my childhood.If you're a Real Madrid Fan,cheers!

My Projects.

social-media app

Social Media App

Created this MERNG Stack Web Application where users can register/login to add new posts and interact by liking, disliking and commenting to each posts. Front-end using React, Node/Express for the Back-end, MongoDB and Mongoose for database and models, GraphQL and Apollo for quering, JWT and bcrypt to manage user authentication. Check it out here -Socialmedia101

Get In Touch

Do You love to code and eat ?

Love to code as much a I do? Let's talk about how awesome they are! We can code while we eat!